An order was issued to celebrate Narayan Guru Jayanti by the government,When I became Chief Minister for the first time: Siddaramaiah

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

* Grant for Ediga Development Corporation and Narayana Guru Bhavan.

Agreeing to the community’s demand that Arya Ediga Development Corporation should be established and Narayanguru Bhavan should be built,the Chief Minister promised to fulfill the two demands on the stage itself.

*Narayana Guru became Vishwa Manava, without getting stuck in one caste or religion.

*Taking off Shirts before entering temples is an insult to God.All are equal in God’s eyes.

*Basavanna conducted inter-caste marriages between Dalits and Brahmins to eradicate the caste system.

*Creating caste-religion conflict in the name of God is an insult to God: CM Siddaramaiah.

It is an insult to God to create caste-religious conflict in the name of God.Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that everyone is equal in the eyes of God.

He was speaking after the inauguration of Brahmashri Narayan Guru Jayanti,which was organized by the Department of Kannada and Culture at Ravindra Kala Kshetra, today.

The forces which created conflict between castes and religions existed during the Narayan Guru period too. They exist even now.Narayan Guru brought about a wide change in the society without causing conflict.

All are one in God’s eyes.Taking off shirts before entering temples is inhuman in God’s eyes.To discriminate against God is an insult to God.

The perversion of creating caste and religion conflict in the name of God is still being practiced.Narayana Guru found a different practice for this discrimination.’Do not go to temples where you are not allowed.He said, ‘build a temple for your gods and worship them.’

As a result of this revolutionary religious movement of social reform,60 temples were built in Kerala.The Shudra and Dalit communities who had no access to the rest of the temples were made to enter the temples built by him.The CM cited many instances where Narayana Guru revolutionized the system.

‘The Shudra-Dalit community must be educated to become independent, organized and strong- ‘This was the the highest mission given by Narayan Guru.

Narayana Guru does not belong to any caste or religion.He was a universal man who transcended the discriminations of caste and religion.

Therefore,I decide to issue an order to celebrate the birth anniversary of Vishwa Manava Narayan Guru , explained.

Kannada and Culture Minister,Shivraj Thangadagi, Minister,Madhu Bangarappa,MLAs,Gopalakrishna Belur, H.R.Gaviyappa,President of Arya Ediga Samaj,Dr.M. Thimmegowda were present as chief guests. Vikhyathananda Swamiji of Soluru Arya Ediga Mahasamsthan held the devine presence.