Blatant lies.. Attempts to make people believe

-Galla S Kiran Kumar,Bureau Chief Telagana (Andhra Pradesh)

There is no situation in which the Vaikapa government has not provided education and accommodation schemes on time in any single year.


In the Vidya Dievena fund release meeting, CM Jagan
gave the third installment of the last year but it was advertised that it was being given regularly.


Today, Amaravati: The Vaikapa government has not provided education and accommodation schemes on time for any year. CM Jagan said that he is paying the same fees as the old year. He does not care if primary education is destroyed. Any man who tells lies is not very knowledgeable. But the chief minister is telling lies repeatedly. Making political criticisms in the children’s assembly has become routine for the CM. If we look at the words he said during the release of funds for education in Chittoor district on Monday..

  • CM: We give AmmaOdi at the rate of Rs.15 thousand every year to those parents without any difficulties to send their children to education.
  • Fact: CM Jagan’s hand in beating the mud with unsolicited words. CM Jagan, who is cutting Rs. 2 thousand for the maintenance of school and toilets in Ammaodi scheme, lied that he is giving Rs. 15 thousand in the full house. Before the election, they said that Rs. 15 thousand is enough to send children to school.. Then they changed the word to Rs. 15 thousand no matter how many children there are. After that challenging provisions were made to reduce the number of beneficiaries. In four years, Rs.15 thousand was never given in full. Even if they gave the entire first year, they took back Rs. 1000 from the mothers for the maintenance of toilets. The scheme given in January in the name of attendance percentage has been changed to June to save money for one year. Rs. 6,300 crores were saved.

  • CM: We have brought the subject teacher concept in government schools from the third standard.
  • Fact:In the name of subject teacher system, primary schools have been crippled. Classes 3, 4 and 5, which were supposed to be at a distance of one kilometer, have been changed to three kilometers. The amalgamation of classes created havoc in school education. 2 lakh children left government schools and went to private schools. 118 primary schools were closed without children. 9,602 schools have been converted into co-educational schools. SGTs are assigned where the number of children is less than the teaching of subject teachers. It was done intentionally to reduce the number of teachers. In primary schools with less than 98 students, only one subject teacher is given if there are less than 30 students in classes 6, 7, 8. Is there a single teacher teaching all subjects for classes 3-8? This is the reason why CM Jagan’s words are so vague.

  •  CM: Starting with CBSE syllabus, schools are moving fast towards IB and IGCSE international certification.
  • Fact:School education has become chaotic due to unscientific policies implemented by the state government. Last year they brought the syllabus saying that CBSE has an international brand. Now they say International Baccalaureate (IB) without completing two years. Does any school change the syllabus every two years? It is ridiculous that CM Jagan is doing something great by experimenting on poor children and damaging their learning abilities. Although the CM ordered that all the schools should get CBSE affiliated recognition in phases, the CBSE board has given permission to only 1,092 schools for a period of two years. Now IB got the song after not getting permission from that board. Does experimenting without equipping teachers lead to quality teaching and learning for children? According to the Asar survey, third grade children studying in English medium are ‘Cat, Red, Unable to read English words like sun. CM Jagan should know how the children will become international students if they experiment with the syllabus without increasing their learning abilities.

  • CM: We are depositing the funds in mothers’ accounts through the Jagananna Dharamdeevena scheme twice a year.
  • Fact: Accommodation Blessing Scheme is never given on time. Even if the students go to another class after the completion of the academic year, they have been given one installment as accommodation. Under-graduation and poor children studying in government universities have to pay Rs.10 thousand each. Actually, each engineering college is charging Rs.70 thousand to Rs.80 thousand for accommodation, but Jagan is giving only Rs.20 thousand. The poor have to pay the rest by borrowing.

  • CM: We are reimbursing 100% of the full fee every three months as soon as the three months are over.
  • Fact: Fee reimbursement was not done properly in any of these four years. At present, if the academic year 2023-24 starts, the third installment of the fee for last year (2022-23) will be given from time to time, says CM Jagan. The fourth installment is still outstanding. With the completion of the academic year, the private colleges have already collected the fourth installment from the students. A burden of Rs.680 crore fell on the poor students. There is a plight of government colleges and universities not paying the fees and not allowing the exams. Ignoring these, he is promoting himself as doing something great.