Two contract labourers run over by speeding goods vehicle carrying fruit load

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Two contract labourers were killed as a goods vehicle carrying fruit load run over them near Biocon in Hebbagodi on Tuesday afternoon.

The deceased have been identified as Ashish,28 from Bihar and Manoj Kumar,30,from Tamil Nadu.

The duo was working as contract labourers and walking on the footpath to go to eatery during lunch break.

The truck driver heading to Tamil Nadu to deliver the fruit load,lost control due to rash and negligent driving and plunge on to the footpath and run over them.

The duo were crushed to death and the fruit load was scattered on the road,causing chaos.The Hebbagodi police rushed to the spot and arrested the driver and seized the truck before shifting the dead to the hospital.

The road was usually crowded on that time with school children and office staff moving around during lunch period.

However the accident occurred half hour before this , otherwise the casualties could have been more, a police officer, said .