Private firm employee booked for bitting off the finger of his wife and chewed in rage over domestic row in konanakunte area

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya 

Private firm employee booked for bitting off the finger of his wife and chewed in rage over domestic row in konanakunte area

The Konanakunte police have set a manhunt for a private firm employee who bit off the finger of his wife and chewed in rage over a domestic row in Konanakunte on Friday.

The accused Vijay Kumar according to the police is married to Pushpa,40,23 years ago and the couple have a son.

Vijay Kumar used to harass her frequently over domestic row following which Pushpa went to her parents house to stay.

Vijay Kumar used to ask her to come back but she was adamant.

On Friday Vijay Kumar went to her in-laws house and had an argument with Pushpa over the same but Pushpa refused to return.

Enraged by this Vijay Kumar assaulted her and bit off her finger and chewed in rage stating that she will have the same fate if she did not return.

Family members of Pushpa rushed to her help after she howled for help and took her to the hospital where she is being treated .

The accused soon fled the scene threatening her with dire consequences .

Based on the medico legal case,the Konanakunte police have registered a case against Vijay Kumar charging him under domestic violence,assault and criminal intimidation.