Chandrababu: Jagan Shani for Polavaram.. He destroyed the project with pride: Chandrababu

-Galla S Kiran Kumar,Bureau Chief Telagana (Andhra Pradesh)

Telugu Mother would be happy if Polavaram is completed, said Chandrababu, TDP chief. He said that he had earlier suggested to Vajpayee to link the rivers in the spirit of Golden Quadrilateral.


Mangalagiri: Telugu mother would be happy if Polavaram is completed, said Chandrababu TDP chief. He said that he had earlier suggested to Vajpayee to link the rivers in the spirit of the Golden Quadrilateral. Chandrababu held a media conference on ‘Polavarani Jagane Shani’. Jagan was criticized for stopping the Polavaram works on the day of swearing-in.

“Jagan Shani for Polavaram. The dream of the project will not come true unless Shani is gone. Polavaram was destroyed by pride. If this is completed, water can be given to all the projects in AP. There was no construction company at Polavaram for 15 months. Jagan did not listen to the Polavaram Project Authority (PPA) not to change the contractor. We have spent Rs.11,537 crores on Polavaram during our reign. Jagan settled with just Rs.4,611 crores. Polavaram used to be a tourist destination. Today it has been made a restricted area.

Why not go to Pakistan?

Do you criticize us if the diaphragm wall is damaged? The expert committee concluded that it was damaged due to floods. Why not go see the project? Is it Pakistan? What else is left in Polavaram as the Guide Bund also collapses? If so many mistakes are made.. will Ambotu rankle? They forgot the promise of giving Rs.19 lakhs per acre to the displaced people. They cheated by changing the list of beneficiaries without giving compensation. Jagan is increasing his belly by beating the stomach of the poor. Chandrababu criticized the state by robbing the poor.