CCB cops foils terror plot,Five suspected terrorists belonging to LeT,ISIS, arrested in Joint Operation,one absconding : B Dayananda

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The five suspected part of the terror module busted by the CCB were radicalized by,LeT operative,T Nazir arrested in connection with the 2008 serial bomb blast case in Bengaluru and presently lodged in central Prison of Parappana Agrahara prison.

The accused Suhail,Umar,Zahid,Mudassir and Faizal , working as mechanics and drivers were arrested by RT Nagar police in connection with a kidnap and murder of a businessman identified as Noor Ahmed along with the prime accused Junaid Ahmed in 2017.

There are 21 accused arrested in the murder case among the T Nazeer and Junaid selected five among them and created a module during their 18 months of stay in prison.

Major terror attack was averted by Central agencies who passed information about the suspects to CCB officials team headed by Joint CP Crime Dr SD Sharanappa with DCPs,ACPs swung into action and busted a big terror module and it is said that the whole module was busted based on brain mapping of the accused ! Helped in bust the biggest terror module.

The prime accused having multiple cases pending against him and presently fled out of the country has hatched a plan to carry out subversive activities and even supplied arms and ammunition for the job,B Dayananda,city police commissioner,said .

The accused Junaid acting as a handler for the module and provided logistic support including weapons and financial aid through his contacts.

The accused had planned to carry out serial blast in the city,but the CCB teams based on the intel inputs crack down and arrested them from the house in Kanakanagar in Hebbal police station limits, where they were staying .

The accused have been taken into 15 days police custody and efforts are on to track down the person who provided logistic support for the accused to carry out subversive activities ,Mr. Dayananda, said .
The accused Junaid Ahmed is a habitual offender having many cases pending against him including murder, robbery and red sander smuggling cases pending against him.

Junaid was arrested in 2020 in a red sander case and remanded to parappana agrahara prison, where he met Nazir and expressed his willingness to join the terror group .

Nazir was later introduced to this team and they were radicalized and planned terror activities .After spending four to five months in prison, he was out on bail and escaped abroad since 2021 and was in regular touch with the accused.

The accused had planned to carry out blasts in four places in and around the city and stayed in a rented house in Bhuvaneshwari Nagar for the last three months.

The accused also roped in two women to stay with them to avoid undue attention.However the CCB who questioned the women in detail gave them clean chit after their rule in the terror activities have been ruled out.

The CCB officials who are interrogating the terror suspects were produced before the NIA Special court and court has remanded all the five to seven days CCB police custody.

Finally Karnataka CM,Siddaramaiah,Karnataka Home Minister,Dr G Parameshwara,DG-IGP,Karnataka,Alok Mohan has appreciated Bengaluru City Police Commissioner,B Dayananda,Joint CP Crime,Dr.SD Sharanappa and his whole team who has done a tremendous and meticulous investigation in busting the racket a suitable reward will be given to whole team he added.