Shop selling e-cigarettes sealed by CCB in Bengaluru’s Church Street two arrested and seized Rs.5 lakhs worth banned items

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The CCB officials on Saturday raided a shop on the busy church street selling banned e-cigarettes unabated .

The police arrested two people and seized e-cigarettes and its parts worth Rs.5 lakh from them.

Based on a tip off,a team of officials swoop down on Smoke shop situated close to Cubbon park police station and found that the accused were selling the banned items and its parts to the customers unabated .

The police found that the accused were smuggling the banned items from foreign countries and involved in illegal business unabated .

A case under Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, (COTPA) has been booked against the accused in Cubbon park police station and the shop has been sealed for further investigations .