Dalit employee committed suicide over caste discrimination in corporate, accused arrested

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Marathahalli police arrested a private firm employee under SC and ST (prevention of Atrocities) Act for harassing his colleague following which he ended his life.

The accused Nitish Kumar along with his reporting Managar,Malathy SB and senior colleague Kumar Suraj have also been booked under abettment to suicide act by whitefield police on Sunday.

While Nitish Kumar has been arrested by Marathahalli police under Atrocities Act, the other two accused are on the run and efforts by both the police are on to secure them.

The victim,Vivek Raj,graduated in bachelor of design course from NIFT was working as Manager in Life style international Private limited situated in Yamaluru and living in a flat in whitefield .

Vivek alleged that his reporting manager Malathy and colleagues Kumar Suraj and Nitish Kumar used to harass him and even abusing him with his caste as he was belonged to scheduled Caste.

The accused would harass him and reject his feed back report.Vivek escalated this to his senior managers and even HR but no action taken.

He was depressed and consulted the doctor and taking medicine.However the harassment continued following which on June 3 Vivek unable to bear harassment filed a complaint with the Marathahalli police and returned to his flat before ending his life by hanging .

He even recorded a video citing reason for his extreme step and uploaded on social media minuted before he ended his life.

Based on the complaint filed by,Rajkumar,father of the deceased,the whitefield police have registered a case of abetment to suicide against the trio.

since then the accused were on the run,a senior officer, said .

(those in distress ot those having suicidal tendencies can call Arogya Sahaya Vani at toll free Ph. 104 for help