Two year old girl died in freak accident after she consumed Turpentine Oil at her house

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

In a freak incident,a two-year-old girl died after she reportedly consumed turpentine oil in her house in Uttasipalya near Nelamangala on Saturday.

The deceased has been identified as Anjum Fathim, she was the only daughter of sheep trader Zameer.

Initial probe revealed that the family found the girl unconscious at around 4 pm and rushed to the private hospital and from there she was shifted to another hospital where she succumbed .

Senior officer told reporters,Zameer had stored turpentine oil at his house to mark on sheeps.

Fathima took the turpentine oil bottle around 4 pm while playing inside the house.

The bottle fell from her hands and oil spilled all over the floor. She allegedly licked and drank the oil. Her parents found Fathima was vomiting and before they responded she fell unconscious.

She was initially rushed to a nearby private hospital and was later shifted to another hospital with better facilities,but she failed to respond to the treatment and died.

The Nelamangala Rural police visited the hospital and
later visited the home to conduct spot inspection.

A case of unnatural death has been taken up for further investigation and police awaiting post mortem report to ascertain the cause of death.