Three technical cell staff suspended for sharing CDR of woman to private person

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

City Police Commissioner, CH Pratap Reddy suspended three police personnel for taking the CDR of a woman working in a media house and passing it on to a private person.

The woman who got to know about this complained to the city Police commissioner who ordered CCB to probe.

Based on the CCB report it was confirmed they are guilty and city Police commissioner issued a suspension order pending enquiry.

The accused cops are,Suresh,superintendent of central Division technical cell,head constable Somashekhar and constable Nagaraj.

Probe revealed that they are working in technical cell to monitor anti social activities.

Suresh who was earlier worked as staff of a minister, and a somehow through the minister approached Suresh seeking CDR details of the woman journo.

Suresh had roped in the duo to get CDR details and handed over to him.

However the woman who got to know about her call record details shared and complained.

This amounts to the serious nature of dereliction of duty and misuse of official power.

This is not the first time earlier also details of recording of private people recorded by police and shares with private people.