Check of pensions

-Galla S Kiran Kumar,Bureau Chief Telagana (Andhra Pradesh)

Notices have been sent to some regarding pensions. Notices are given mentioning where there are doubts. Answers will be taken and examined. Only then will any action be taken.

We are giving notices mentioning doubts wherever there
are false campaigns saying that pensions will be cut
, Chief Minister Jagan


Today, Amaravati: ‘Notices have been sent to some regarding pensions. Where there are doubts, notices are given. Answers will be taken and examined. Only then will any action be taken. Moreover, no action will be taken without examination. But there are false campaigns going on saying that pensions are being withdrawn as soon as the notice is given,” said Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy. He said that it is the government’s intention that ‘the deserving should not be deprived of any scheme and the ineligible should not be denied any scheme’. They want to ask with their hands on their hearts whether any poor person is being harmed anywhere under such a government. As part of the ‘Navaratna biennial cash grant programme’, Rs.590.91 crores were deposited into the accounts of 2,79,065 beneficiaries from the CM’s camp office in Tadepally on Tuesday. CM spoke on this occasion. “We are a humane government. Our hearts are close to the poor. There should not be a situation where no one who is eligible gets any schemes and cuts are made. Give benefit of doubt to the beneficiary’, he commented. What else did CM Jagan say in his own words…

Eligible candidates can apply within a month

We have implemented 11 welfare schemes between June and November this year. If there are those who are eligible but have not benefited from the schemes, they should apply within a month, we will examine them and pay them within six months. As part of that, we have deposited cash in their accounts today. Never in the history of the state, perhaps in the history of the country, has such a program been held. In total 36 months we have deposited Rs.1.85 lakh crore in the accounts of the beneficiaries through Direct Cash Transfer (DBT) schemes. If non-DBT schemes are also included, we have paid Rs.3.30 lakh crores.

Collectors are the eyes and ears of the government

Collectors are the eyes and ears of the government. If they work well, the name of the government and the Chief Minister will be good. In the previous government, the members of Janmabhoomi Committees used to ask which party you belong to for any scheme. There were bribes and discrimination during their rule. We could change that situation. We are bringing a system of secretariats and volunteers and giving it transparently. We are benefiting even those who do not vote for our party if they are eligible. We are not there to wield power.. we exist for the people and to serve them. Some are writing surprising news because they cannot digest the good while working with a humanitarian perspective. Unable to digest the fact that the pension amount is being increased from January 1, they are writing fabrications with the desire to cast doubt on it.

Collectors.. Put a pressmeet and curse

We are not at war with a party.. we are at war with a system that tries to portray any good it does as a negative. But God’s blessings are always there for those who do good. God will answer those who do such distortions. Let us take any allegation they make positive. If there is truth in that, let’s correct it. If it is not our fault, the collectors should definitely hold a press meet and scold them. If you don’t curse then the wrong message will go. Doubt arises whether what they say is true. It is as if they pointed out their mistake only when they held a press meet and scolded them.