Climate resilience Karnataka:CM Bommai discusses with World Bank,suggested to give priority to check floods in Bengaluru City and sea erosion

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)


I n order to Make Karnataka as Climate Resilience, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai held discussion with Auguste Tano Kouame,Country Director,India, World Bank & Team here on Monday.

The CM requested the World Bank to provide international level expertise to make Karnataka as Climate Resilience.

In the last one and a half decades,the State has witnessed seven or eight severe droughts and severe floods,landslides and sea erosion in the last five years.There is a record of facing severe drought and unprecedented floods in one year.

This has caused large-scale damage to the public property as well as upset people’s daily life.

Bommai said the government has taken the recent unprecedented floods in Bengaluru city seriously and is planning to make preparations to find out a permanent solution to the natural disaster.

The State is expecting cooperation from the World Bank for the management of floods in Bengaluru City, drought, sea erosion and reducing the danger of natural disaster.

Among these,priority must be given for the management of Bengaluru floods and sea erosion. The government will extend all cooperation by making an agreement for the implementation of these projects in a phased manner.

The government has already announced its decision regarding joining hands with the World Bank to solve the plastic waste problems in sea, in the state budget 2022-23.

Karnataka was the first state in the whole country to present a separate budget on environment and earmarked Rs 100 crore to undone the damage caused to environment.

Kouame expressed his happiness over the environment-friendly measures adopted by the State government.

The World Bank is ready to provide all kinds of assistance in order to make Karnataka as Climate Resilience and promised to help the implementation of the project in a phased manner.

Chief Secretary,Vandita Sharma,Chief Minister’s Principal Secretary,N.Manjunath Prasad,Principal Secretary (Revenue Department-Natural Disaster Management) T.K.Anil Kumar, Chief Minister’s Secretary M.S.Srikar, State Disaster Management Department Commissioner Manoj Ranjan and others were present.