Key leaders join BJP”Indication of party getting the people’s mandate in the next election: CM Bommai

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

T he joining of key leaders to BJP is an indication of party getting the people’s mandate in the next Assembly polls,said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.

Speaking after welcoming former MPs,S.P.Muddahanumegowda,Shashikumar and former IAS officer B.H.Anilkumar into BJP in the presence of State BJP President Nalin Kumar Kateel here on Thursday,he said the state politics was getting an important turn.

The Jan Sankalp Yatra received tremendous response in the North Karnataka region as the BJP has always stood by people and worked for them. Their support and enthusiasm were slowly converting into big waves.

Congress Party lost people’s Mandate

The CM said the Congress Party that came to power with confidence has failed to maintain the people’s belief and lost their support.

The Congress strength has reduced to 79 seats from 120 seats.Almost all the ministers had lost in the election.

After having lost the mandate,they tried to grab power through the backdoor by forming the coalition government and even that experiment too failed.

BJP works for nation’s growth

Bommai said many Congress leaders who toiled for the party for several years,are now coming towards BJP as their services and sincerity were not cared for in the Congress.

The BJP is a patriotic party led by world leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The double engine governments are working for the development of the state and the nation.With this confidence, several leaders joined BJP today, he added.

He said Muddahanumegowda is a tall leader of Tumkur district and has worked as legislator and Lok Sabha member.

Known as a simple politician,he had raised several people’s issues in Lok Sabha.The BJP got great strength with leaders like him joining the saffron party. Another former MP,Shashikumar has joined BJP as he feels respected to be in this party.

He is a great actor and has a fan following across the State. Shashikumar belongs to the Scheduled Tribe and BJP’s strength has gone up with his entry into the party.

Former IAS officer, B.H.Anilkumar has always worked for the people’s welfare and got special care for dalits and oppressed classes.He belongs to the Scheduled Caste.

Bommai said polarisation is happening in politics and BJP is emerging as a big strength as leaders of all castes are working together.

The party will take decisions about party positions for them.Since the BJP is a national party all the election related decisions are taken in the Parliamentary Board and everyone must adjust to that system.

The party always believes in discipline and ideology. All those leaders who have joined BJP will be treated with respect and confidence.

Ministers,Govind Karjol,Dr.Ashwath Narayana, S.T.Somashekar, MLC Laxman Sawadi and C.P.Yogeshwar were present.