Drug Peddler arrested by alert Railway police seized Marijuana Drugs worth Rs.63,000

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Alert railway police on Saturday caught a 34-year-old drug peddler waiting at the while was was sitting at the bench along with the bag waiting for the crowd to reduce so that he could get out .

The accused Animesh Bera,was caught the attention of MD Purushtoham,railway policeman on patrolling duty on Saturday afternoon.

Purushotham was assigned to keep a tab on the suspicious passengers of Prashanthi express possible involved in smuggling contraband .

The policeman found Bera was behaving uneasy after noticing the policeman approaching him and asked him to show the bag he was holding.

After few minutes of hesitation, the bag was checked to find two bundles of tapped and several rounds of news papers.

Further inquiries revealed that it was 4 kilos of Marijuana worth Rs.63,000 which according to Bera was bought it from tribal in Bhuvaneshwar for Rs.15,000 per kilogram.

Bera,a native of West Bengal and working as construction labourer addicted to the drugs and found the source to getting it in bulk from Odisha from his contacts to sell it to his clients in city to make quick money.

The accused was booked under NDPS act and taken into custody to ascertain his network.The police are struggling to crack the mystery on why Bera was waiting for the crowd to reduce while he could easily get away without being noticed .