Vijayasai Reddy: This is Sai Reddy’s Tadakha!

-Galla S Kiran Kumar,Bureau Chief Telagana (Andhra Pradesh)

I gave my daughter in marriage to the son of Aurobindo, the owner of a trading company. They have been in business for 40 years. If we give our daughter to them, will all the property they earn be mine? Did I buy those lands?

His daughter and son-in-law’s company bought land on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam at a third of the market price 

If the Bhogapuram Beach Corridor Road starts, their price will double

If Visakhapatnam is made the executive capital, it will increase many folds

Without Sai Reddy’s involvement, will the daughter company get land at a lower price?

Today, Visakhapatnam, Amaravati


I gave my daughter in marriage to the son of Aurobindo, the owner of a trading company. They have been in business for 40 years. If we give our daughter to them, will all the property they earn be mine? Did I buy those lands?

Sai Reddy’s comments were made in response to the news in the press about the purchase of huge amount of land by daughter and son-in-law Avyan Realtors in Bhimili mandal of Visakha district. Many such ‘pearls’ came out of his mouth in that press meet. Why Sai Reddy’s booking? Your daughter, son-in-law’s company has acquired 25 plots of 87,714 square yards for Rs.51.87 crores in just 11 months. According to the current prices in the open market, the minimum value of those lands is above Rs.177 crores! My son-in-law’s family has been in business for 40 years and they have offices in 100 countries, you are right. Where they want as much as they are big businessmen… how can people give away land for less than a third of the open market price? How do you expect people to believe that you have no involvement in it?

Are you the one who acted like an unconstitutional power? 

Does anyone who knows your background, who saw the extraordinary powers you wielded almost like a parallel head of state as the in-charge of Vaikapa Uttarandhra, believe your words? Even if you are the in-charge of the party in the name.. In the three joint districts of Uttarandhra, are you not the one who turned the ministers, MPs and MLAs into dummies and acted like an unconstitutional power? Isn’t it you who enjoyed unlimited powers as number 2 in the ruling party? When you were in charge of Uttarandhra..didn’t the Collectors, SPs and other high officials of those three districts work under your watch and report to you? As long as your wind was blowing in Uttarandhra, all the affairs of the land were going on in your eyes! Most importantly, did your weather run normally in Visakha! Even big industrialists and businessmen do not say Jee Huzoor in front of you! How you raided the property of those who didn’t get it, those who didn’t come your way, opposition leaders, Do people know how the structures were demolished? As long as you turn the wheel there, do the officials listen to the words of senior ministers with decades of political experience? From CI to DIG..Tehsildar to Collector, anyone’s transfer did not happen as you said? It is with your permission that the officials have signed key documents including land transactions! If your daughter and son-in-law’s company buys the most valuable land next to the proposed Bhogapuram Beach Corridor road at much less than the open market value, should people believe if you say that you have no involvement in it? Officials have signed key documents with your permission! If your daughter and son-in-law’s company buys the most valuable land next to the proposed Bhogapuram Beach Corridor road at much less than the open market value, should people believe if you say that you have no involvement in it? Officials have signed key documents with your permission! If your daughter and son-in-law’s company buys the most valuable land next to the proposed Bhogapuram Beach Corridor road at much less than the open market value, should people believe if you say that you have no involvement in it?

Do you believe that the land was given without any threats? 

If the whole of Uttarandhra is not captured and suffocated in your hands.. if the people are not threatened, intimidated, deceived and subjected to severe pressure, will they give their lands at a low price? Have you bought land for community service to give it at a low price? A famous educational institution in Visakha was encroached on the government land and the officials were sent as an invasion, the wall was broken and the fence was put up. Now how can another company owned by the same educational institution give the most valuable land to your daughter and son-in-law’s company at a low price? These are all the questions that opposition leaders in Visakhapatnam are now asking. ‘If you are transparent.. How did Avyan company buy those lands and how much did they buy? Why did the Sai Reddys skip the answers in the press conference without saying why they bought all the land in Bhimili area? If their owners gave such valuable lands to your daughter’s and son-in-law’s company for less than the market price, you should have taken it even if threatened. Otherwise, it should be shown that it was bought at a lower rate to avoid stamp duty by buying at a higher price. The opposition parties are expressing doubts that the rest of the money should be given to the land owners in the block. What is the truth in this Sai Reddy sir?

Isn’t this what insider trading is all about? 

Sai Reddy’s daughter Nehar Reddy and son-in-law Rohit Reddy as directors, Avan Realtors, which was established on September 7, 2020, purchased 25 plots in Bhimili and Nerellavalasal between February 19 and December 17, 2021. It is stated in the registration documents that a sq. yard was bought for Rs. 1,500 to a maximum of Rs. 8,000. ‘Inadu’ examined the area where they bought the land. When the locals and real estate traders were asked about the value of the land in that area, it was found that it was three or four times more than the price claimed by the aviation company. For example, in survey number 30/7, 7,405.2 square yards of land.. Sq. It is stated in the registration documents that it was purchased for Rs.6,500. It means that the land was bought for Rs.4.81 crores. In the open market, the value of a square yard there is currently above Rs.20 thousand. According to that calculation, the value of the land is Rs.14.81 crores. Sai Reddy’s daughter The proposed Bhogapuram Beach Corridor Road is coming from the side of the lands purchased by Alludu. If the road work starts.. the price of land bought by Avyan will double at once. As the Vaikapa government is saying, if Visakhapatnam is made the executive capital, the core capital area will come close to the area where Ayan lands were bought. This is called insider trading, Sai Reddy! All the insider trading to be done was done in Visakha.. What is the point of blaming the political opponents? Their prices will increase two to three times more. This is called insider trading, Sai Reddy! All the insider trading to be done was done in Visakha.. What is the point of blaming the political opponents? Their prices will increase two to three times more. This is called insider trading, Sai Reddy! All the insider trading to be done was done in Visakha.. What is the point of blaming the political opponents?

It is your honor that your MP said!


Your party’s MP MVV Satyanarayana himself said in an interview to an English newspaper that Vijayasai Reddy’s daughter Edapeda’s lands were bought by threatening and intimidating the landowners around Visakhapatnam. He alleged that Sai Reddy’s men sat in a guest house and plotted to get hold of those lands and also bought deepatta lands and lands under 22A category. Is it enough to tell you how many cubes?