Three construction labourers injured

Dr B Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Three construction labourers injured when they accidentally fell from the third floor of an under construction building at Hosakerehalli of Banashankari on Thursday morning.

The incident occurred at around 8.30 am when the employees were plastering the wall with cement mix by standing on the wooden poles.

One of the pole broke and detached and the trio crashed on the grounds .

The injured labourer identified as Asadullah, Irshad Haq,and Asad Haq,from West Bengal were rushed the trio to a nearby hospital where they were treated.Asadullah and Irshad were discharged in the evening after the treatment.

Asad Haq is undergoing treatment, he has sustained a fracture in his leg.The police have registered a case of criminal negligence against the building owner for further investigation.