CM Bommai participates in Dr Raj Kumar Civil Service Academy function,’Let there will be humility when success comes’,says CM Bommai

Dr B Thomas (Special Correspondent)

W hen success comes you must behave with obedience and humility as it will show the next route.But if you develop ego that is the end of success”said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.

Speaking at a function to honour students of Dr Raj Kumar Civil Service Academy who have successfully completed the gazetted probationary examinations conducted by KPSC for the year 2017-18 at Jnanajyothi auditorium here on Saturday, he said power is not easy and they must not lose timeliness and maintain calmness while in power.

Persons who helped to come to that position must not be forgotten.In democracy,the elected representatives and the officials must work in tandem.Sometimes there will be confrontation but problems will be solved if there is clarity.

Needed good administrators

The CM said officers will earn a good name if they take pro-people decisions at the right time. This is the golden opportunity to help the poor. They must take decisions keeping in mind the last man in society and this will help in the progress of the state.

Behave with people who don’t have power courteously.A good leader is one who will face any situation boldly without backtracking from it.

The government required good administrators to implement the schemes successfully.Such good administrators are gifted by this academy.

Dr Raj Kumar is icon

Bommai said Dr Raj Kumar is an icon and he is still alive in every bit of Karnataka.They are lucky because they lived during Dr Raj’s era.He is the best person of all time.

The family members of Dr Raj are running this academy with utmost dedication and the role of Raghavendra Rajkumar is very big in this work.

The contribution of Puneet Rajkumar cannot be forgotten. There is hard work behind any achievement.

Those who think more about the competition will go backwards. One has to focus only on the target and that will lead to success.

The best example for this had been Dr Raj Kumar who never took any shortcut but became a great actor through hard work.

Raghavendra Raj Kumar,Ashwini Puneet Raj Kumar,retired IPS officer,Dr Srinivasan, S.V.Ranganath, I.M.Vittalmurthy and IAS Officer N.Manjunath Prasad were present.