Notorious Dreaded Most Wanted Inter-state HBT offender in More than 160 cases across state arrested by Rajajinagar police

Pramesh S Jain &Dr B Thomas (Special correspondent)


he North Division police of Rajajinagar police on Saturday arrested a 54-year-old habitual offenders having over 164 house break thefts pending against him.

The accused has been identified as,Prakash,54.

Senior officer told reporters a HBT case was reported in Rajajinagar police station recently in which the vicitm stated that when they been out of station to their relatives house some miscreants has broken their lock and entered the house ransacked and made away with booty.

Based on complaint Senior officers with Rajajinagar police Inspector,Ashok RP and his crime team visited the crime scene and during inspecting the spot the crime team got vital clues from the scene of crime based on which they started analysing the cameras installed in the area.

The team got the identity of the accused based on Finger print bureau records they identified the accused and with the help of CCTV footage they got the clear identity of the notorious HBT offender who was seen taking away the booty at the scene of crime and was seen coming out from building and escaping with stolen property.

The team swung into action and with the help of police investigation skills and technical inputs the team zeroed in on the accused.

During investigation the accused confessed the crime and it was revealed that the accused used to rope in his family members as his childrens brother and sister in the crime to dispose the stolen ornaments.

The accused was mastered the art of breaking any locks since 44 years started his career while he was 10 years old .

The accused would target palatial houses,jewel shop,offices and financial firms accompany his siblings and children to hep transporting the valuables he steal.

A detailed investigation by the team it has revealed that the accused is married thrice from Kolar,Shivamogga and Bellary and have seven children.

The accused have many serious illness and spend the money on his medication.

He was operational not only in the state but also committed major burglaries in Maharastra,Kerala and Goa.

Ravi Prakash is arrested for over 20 times so far but due to his proximity with the advocates and knowledge about the rules he would come out to continue committing offences.He would also befriend them to set up his network a senior officer said.

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,C H Pratap Reddy has appreciated Addl CP West, Sandeep Patil,DCP North,Vinayak Patil,ACP,Praveen M,PI RP Ashok,PSIs,as,Shankarappa,Pradeep Kumar C,Kiran,Shivamurthy,ASI,Jagadeesh,and Crime staff as,NG Girish,Chandrashekhar,Melgiri, Goutham R,Beerappa Ningadali,Vital Nayak,Shivaram and others has been appreciated for the excellent investigation and nabbing the most wanted HBT offender who was on run from past 4 years for the commendable job done by the team who acted swiftly and arrested the habitual offender wanted in many cases a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.