Byadarahalli police arrested Man for using machetes to save his son from gang for alleged WhatsApp status Akshay Boss

Dr B Thomas (Special correspondent)


yadarahalli police have arrested a 45 year old man who attacked a group of boys with sword in retaliation when they attacked his son after barging into his house over a trivial row on August 15.

The incident occurred at Mahadeeshwara layout and residents have captured the incident on mobile phone and put it on social media which went viral .

The accused Anand Rao and Gani,Samanth and others were booked for attempt to murder for further investigations.

The incident occurred when Anand’s son Akshay, a high school student had put up a message on social media account with his pic.

His DP was shared by his friends in the area.

However the accused Gani and Samanth objected to his and had a fight with Akshay.

On August 15,the gang armed with lethal weapons came to attack Akshay in front of his parents.

Sensing danger,father Anand Rao snatched the Machete and attacked the accused to chase them away.

The accused were injured in the attack and admitted to the hospital while Anand Rao has been detained by the police for questioning.