Youth commits suicide,mother ends life in depression near hospital in Bengaluru

Yogesh K Porwar.Avanth Kumar Kankaria

In a tragic incident,a 39-year-old woman was killed came under a speeding car in front of the hospital minutes after her son who ended life and declared dead by doctors.The incident took place in Vijayanagar police station limits on Tuesday.

The deceased have been identified as Leelavathi and her son Mohan Gowda,18, a first year BCom student.

His father Lokesh runs a ration shop and the family lived in MC Layout in Vijayanagar.

Senior officer told media persons,Few posts on social media said that the youth had committed suicide on Tuesday after the police had summoned him for an investigation.

The police though clarified on Wednesday that they had never called the boy to the police station.

Mohan had been to college to write exam and after returning home he fought with his friends over a bike he had reportedly taken from them.

Mohan was arguing with his friends when his father intervened and had to take the brunt of his agitated friends.

Upset over this,he went inside the house and locked himself in a room.Though his parents knocked repeatedly, he did not open the door.

The parents with the help of two policemen,who were on patrolling duty near-by rushed to the help and broke open the door to find their son hanging using a saree.

He was brought down and rushed to a hospital located on West of Chord Road,where he was declared brought dead at around 12.30 pm.

Shocked by knowing that her son had passed away, Leelavathi ran towards the road but was stopped and brought back by her family members.

While they were consoling her,Leelavathi again ran towards the road to cross and came under a speeding car.She was rushed to the same hospital where doctors declared her dead at 1 pm,the police said.

Mohan Gowda,a first year BCom student,had committed suicide by hanging himself at his residence,following which a complaint was lodged with the Vijayanagar police station by his father.

In the complaint,he had mentioned that Mohan Gowda had fallen in a bad company of boys.On Tuesday,Mohan Gowda returned to the house after exams and locked the door of his room before taking the extreme step.

The case took a twist after posts surfaced on social media alleging that Mohan Gowda had committed suicide as he was called by the police for an investigation into a bike theft case and he took the extreme step fearing the police probe.

However, DCP West, Dr Sanjeev M Patil, denied this angle and said,When Mohan Gowda had locked up his room,few boys were quarrelling with his father over a bike issue.

The father had sought the help of two policemen who were on duty in the area then.The policemen went to their house and along with the parents, they broke open the door of the room to find Mohan Gowda hanging from the ceiling.

Patil also clarified that the youth was not called for any investigation by the police and no case of bike theft is registered against him.

While the Vijayanagar police have registered an unnatural death case in connection with the death of Mohan Gowda,the Vijayanagar traffic police have registered a case regarding Leelavathi’s death and have arrested the car driver.