Abducted bullion trader from Delhi & his associate rescued by Halasuru police, three imposters held

Pramesh S Jain.Yogesh K Porwar

The East Division police of Halasuru police arrested three imposters who abducted bullion trader from Delhi posing as policemen and threatened them to foist false case and demanded a ransom of Rs.10 Lakhs.

The accused has been identified as,Nazeem Pasha,Santosh and Asghar.

Senior officer told media persons,as on 7th August a complaint was registered in Halasuru police station in which a complainant stated as on 6th August at around 10 pm five unknown person came and abducted bullion trader from Delhi and his associate from a hotel in Dickenson road in a XUV car.

Acting on a complaint DCP,East,Dr SD Sharanappa,led a special team under ACP,Kumar D,Inspector,Manjunath M and his team swung into action and visited the spot to collect information and analyse CCTV footage from the vicinity.

After verifying the CCTV footage and based on technical inputs In a swift action the Halasuru police traced the accused in a hotel where they abducted the businessman and his associates and arrested a gang of three who posing as policemen abducted a bullion trader from Delhi and his business partner,a chartered Accountant, for a ransom of Rs.10 lakh.

The accused Nazeem Pasha,is a habitual offender arrested by Pulakeshinagar police for house break theft along with his two associates Santosh and Asghar,cab drivers by profession, ganged up and hatched a plan to abduct Aravind Mehta and Diwakar Reddy to extort money.

During investigation it was found that Mehta,a licensed bullion trader from Delhi having a cheating case pending against him,had come to expand his business in Bengaluru and to get investors.

He approached Diwakar,a city based Chartered accountant and the duo were having a meeting at hotel Royal Orchid on Dickenson road everyday.

Nazeem who got to know about Mehta business ventures,checked his background on social media and hatched a plan to extort money from them.

As per the plan he along with four of his associates approached the duo posing as policemen while they were having a meeting at Orchid and took them in his SUV on Friday on the pretext of inquiry.

Meanwhile Sandeep Paramesharan,a friend of Diwakar who accompanied him to the hotel noticed this and the next day noticed Diwakar did not return and filed a complaint with the police the next day.

The police swung into action and gathered CCTV footage and CDRs for analysis and managed to track down the accused to a hotel in Koramangala where Mehta and Diwakar were detained.The accused threatened the duo to book cases if they did not pay Rs 10 lakh .

While the police arrested the trio and rescued Mehta and Diwakar,two of the accused managed to escape a massive hunt is on to nab the absconding accused a special team is in action he added.

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,Kamal Pant has appreciated Addl CP,East,S Murugan, DCP East,Dr SD Sharanappa,ACP,Ulsoor Sub-Division,Kumar D,PI,Manjunath M,PSI,Suresh G,and crime staff as,Santhosh Rathod,Srinivas, Karthik,Shetappa Talakeri,and Nagaraj Rathod,has successfully nabbed the three persons and rescued the bullion trader and his associate safely by their good piece of investigation and for the commendable job done by them a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.