Health is Wealth ; know how to manage that wealth 

Utkarsh Upadhyay

Growing up all might have heard the term ‘health is wealth’ but its essential meaning is still not clear to the most people.And in the time of this CORONA and it’s threat, Government’s all over the globe have announced Quarantine, lockdown and self isolation as preventive measure.

Since this deadly COVID-19 attacked the nation, right after that many decisions and announcements were declared by the Indian Government and most importantly a 21 days lockdown all over the nation; suggested and ordered to maintain Quarantine and self isolation to stay away from this death causing virus.

Thereafter the question arises what should an individual do in his/her self isolation lockdown or Quarantine period at their homes.Firstly  be active enough at home during COVID-19 outbreak and :-

Try exercising, and it should not be affected just because of lockdown, do it at your rooftops or at your room as well.

Dance to Music:-  It will relax and make the mind peaceful.

Try skipping rope as well , this will balance the body posture and health of your ownself.

Play active video games as well.

Performing some muscle strength and balance training.

WHO recommends that all healthy adults should do 30 minutes/day of physical activity and children should be physically active for 1 hour/day.While having a quality time with family and loved ones , each and every family member should work upon:-

Regularly check your sitting posture while working from home, be it a office person  home maker or student as well.

break up your sitting and stand up while working on the phone or watching TV.

Make yourself a healthy & fresh soul and few steps to act so are:- 

Walk up and down the stairs.

Do some stretching exercises.

Dance to music for a few minutes.

Seek more ideas and resource online and let it get spread within socio groups. Keeping active everyday is good for your body, mind and spirit specially during these stressful time and more physical activities you do can improve your sleep which is also important for a good health.

Doing any activity around the home is better than none at all.  Be active during COVID-19 outbreak to maintain your heart health , muscle strength and flexibility. It is good for your mental health and well being too. Looking after yourself , your family and friends is important through these stressful times. WHO encourages everyone at home to do simple and fun physical activities to stay healthy and active.