Biotech Kisan and Cattle Genomics Schemes



Will the Minister of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a)       whether the two main schemes namely Biotech Kisan and Cattle genomics have been launched by the Government to change the life of farmers;

(b)       the manner in which these two schemes are likely to be beneficial for rural people; and

(c)       the number of farmers who will be covered under Biotech Kisan and Cattle genomics schemes in the country?








(a)        Yes, Madam. The Department of Biotechnology has initiated two farmer-centric programmes Biotech Kisan and Cattle Genomics. Under the Biotech Kisan, eight Biotech Kisan hub’s have been recommended to be setup in seven agro-climatic zones. The cattle genomics programme is being implemented by National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, an autonomous Institute funded by the Department.


(b) & (c)          Biotech Kisan programme: Under the programme, the following eight Biotech Kisan hub’s in seven agro climatic zones are being funded:

  • Agro-climatic Zone I: Western Himalayan Region
  • Agro Climatic Zone II: Eastern Himalayan Region
  • Agro-climatic Zone VI: Trans Gangatic Plains Region
  • Agro-climatic Zone VIII: Central Plateau & Hills Region
  • Agro-climatic Zone X: Southern Plateau & Hills Region
  • Agro-climatic Zone XI: East Coast Plains & Hills Region
  • Agro-climatic Zone III: Lower Gangetic Plain


These Biotech Kisan hub’s will understand problems of farmers related to water, soil, seed and marketing and provide solutions with validated technologies. The programme is expected to create strong scientists-farmers interactive platform. Under the programme thematic farmer fellowship as well as fellowships to women farmers (Mahila Kisan Biotech Fellowship) will be awarded. The programme will benefit nearly one lakh twenty thousand farmers.


Cattle Genomics programme: Programme is currently in research mode. The main objective is to predict breeding values of animal, using DNA level information with performance record, more accurately and identify genetic worth of animal (elite animal) at an early age. The ability to select elite breeding animal at an early age will help in enhancing productivity at farmer’s level in future.