Shootout in Bengaluru,Vidyaranyapura Police Inspector, Puneeth kumar fires at Rowdy Sheeter for second time in 4 months.

The Vidyaranayapura police inspector shot at a habitual offender in self-defence after the latter attacked a Home guard in a bid to escape on Friday night.
The accused, Nakul, a rowdy with multiple cases against him, was taken to the hospital, where the gun shots were removed from his legs and said to be out of danger.
DCP North East, Dr.Harsha P.S,who is Incharge of North Divison, told media persons that Nakul attacked the house of his arch rival Joseph in a bid to eliminate him on Friday.The Vidyaranayapra police, who received the information, rushed to the spot and tried to nab him up after a hot chase when he reached rainbow our inspector staff cornered him but he was armed with knife has stabbed the home guard and tried to flee and in self defence to protect the home guard the inspector opened fire on his leg which resulted in injuring his leg and they took him to hospital and got removed the bullet and now he is out of danger and we have taken him into custody for the interrogation and investigation is on he added.
Residents of rainbow colony where woken up by the sound of gun shot at around 1 am. When they were stepped out of their homes they were uterly shocked .
Rowdy shot at after attacking home guard .
Vidyaranyapura police inspector Puneeth kumar in self defence fired a bullet at rowdy sheeter Nakul ‘s leg at around 1 am in rainbow layout. The police said that nakul tried to escape from them when they went to arrest him.Cops say that they chased nakul and reached rainbow colony and while apprehending the rowdy sheeter nakul stabbed siddaraju a home guard and tried to flee from the spot and in self defence inspector Puneeth took out his licenced pistol and fired a bullet at Nakul’s  leg injuring him. Cops took nakul to Victoria Hospital after the incident home guard siddaraju too has been hospitalised with this a sense of fear and panic wreath the residents of rainbow colony of this shooting .
A resident told media person that we got to know about the incident after watching TV.We were shocked to learn that such an incident has taken place in our neighbourhood the cops chased a man named Nakul.They opened fire at him when he tried to escape.
Inspector fired in self – defence :Sood.
Bengaluru Police Commissioner Praveen Sood told reporters that Nakul has assaulted a man by name Joseph recently and planned to kill him they wanted to question nakul in connection with the case and when they tried to corner him he tried to escape resulting injuries to him and home guard but our inspector has opened fire in self defence and the rowdy sheeter nakul was earlier arrested in a murder case.He was in jail and was released recently.He is wanted in a attempt to murder case. He stabbed a home guard with a knife when the cops went to arrest him.Inspector Puneeth has opened fire at his leg and admitted him to Victoria Hospital and we will take him into custody after recovering and further investigation is on and I appreciate the inspector Puneeth kumar and home guard siddaraju who has risked their life and nabbed the notorious rowdy sheeter he added.
This is the second time that the inspector shot a suspected criminal in the leg. On February 27, 2017, he had fired at Kommaghatta Manju alias Manjunath who is suspected to be involved in several chain-snatchings and robberies.